On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 05:08:39PM +0200, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> On dim, 2009-08-30 at 12:19 +1000, Alex Samad wrote:
> > I seem to be having the same problem on a hp mini 5101, when i have
> > xfce4-power-manager started I can't get into sleep mode, although it
> > does lock the screen - via xscreensaver
> Those are the symptoms, not sure the problem is the same.
> > 
> > i placed some code in /etc/acpi/sleep.sh and found it was being called
> > but because it xfpm is running it doesn't handle the sleep.
> Yes, on purpose.
> > when i kill xfpm sleep button works 
> And does it work when you do that from xfce4-session logout screen? Does
> it work when you use the right clic on xfpm icon?

haven't tried from the logout screen, couldn't try from xfpm when I had
killed it, but when it is running it does the right thing when it is
running. it is just sleep button - which seems to lock the xscreen saver
but not goto sleep mode

> It might be related to consolekit/policykit problems, so you might want
> to check if they are correctly installed/configured. Take a look at
> README.Debian in xfce4 and xfce4-session packages.

I will double check I thought I had looked at this

> Cheers,


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