Package: bridge-utils

On Oct 05, Santiago Garcia Mantinan <> wrote:

> > What is the pointing of waiting for $MAXWAIT if the STP is disabled?
> Well, it is the user that decides if he wants STP disabled and MAXWAIT set,
> it can be used for a lot of things, it will help in making the boot wait for
> the bridge to be ready so that network mounts or any other thing network
> dependant on boot works ok.
Except that this has nothing to do with the purpose of bridge-utils, if
it were a general problem we would enable such a feature for all
If the STP is disabled there is no reason to wait, so in this case
$MAXWAIT should default to zero instead of wasting 30 seconds.

> I'd use that kind of setup for example when you are connected to switches
> that take some time after there is link before they start forwarding your
> packages or when you don't have STP but you know you should wait for a time
> before sending packages on the bridge.
I am aware of the behaviour of switch ports when they have STP enabled
without portfast, but again this is unrelated to bridge-utils.


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