On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 08:32:56AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
> tags 551422 + moreinfo
> thanks
> Hi,
> Alex Samad wrote (16 Oct 2009 05:04:13 GMT) :
> > I am on a laptop and I would like to configure backupninja to do
> > backups when I am on a secific site. I was thinking having a backup
> > when of manual and being able to run all the manual backupninja jobs
> > from command line would be helpful.
> I fear I don't understand clearly your request.
> Does the "when = manual" option (Closes: #511299), available in Git,
> solve your issue?
> If not:
> Do you want all of your backupninja jobs to be ran manually, or should
> some be run automatically by cron, and some others only if whatever
> pre-condition is met?

well I was setting up my laptop and because I do a lot of travelling I
didn't want my laptop dialing home every hour to check / do a backup,
but I was looking for a framework to manage the backups and have them be
initiated manually

> Couldn't you drop a shell script as the first job in /etc/backup.d/,
> that would test for your required pre-condition and abort with our
> "halt" shell function unless it is met?

I didn't realise that you could do that, but still not exactly the same
as manually initiating a backup run

> Bye,

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