On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 10:29:18AM +0200, Riku Voipio wrote:

mv78x00: git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/sugar-jhbuild/mainline.git sugar-jhbuild

Works fine for me now as well:

sascha.si...@flatty:~/y$ git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/sugar-jhbuild/mainline.git sugar-jhbuild Initialized empty Git repository in /home/sascha.silbe/y/sugar-jhbuild/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 4728, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2095/2095), done.
remote: Total 4728 (delta 2795), reused 4376 (delta 2577)
Receiving objects: 100% (4728/4728), 1.87 MiB | 545 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2795/2795), done.

Whatever it was, it seems fixed.

Kernel: Linux 2.6.31-rc9-flatty-ocf-1-00293-g53a104c (PREEMPT)

Whats this kernel? Which CPU and machine is it on? Zlib is heavily used throughout debian, so any breakage should have been noted before by others.
This is on OpenRD-Base with a custom kernel. The only two changes (vs. the mainline kernel) that might have been relevant at all to this bug are:

- apply cpu_idle IRQ fix from http://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/40871/
- apply OCF patch http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ocf-linux/ocf-linux/20090901/ocf-linux-26-20090901.patch.gz

I doubt even that, though. If there's interest I can try again with the old kernel, otherwise we can just close this bug.

CU Sascha


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