Le vendredi 05 mars 2010 à 21:08 +0100, Raphael Frey a écrit : 
> While printing a PDF document created by "pdftex" that consists of only
> one single sentence, I just noticed 1. that Evince does not recognize
> the name of the typeface used in the document (it is the standard
> typeface used by Latex: CM-Roman) and 2. that the letters looks very
> ugly -- like pixelated. Probably these two curiosities are related to
> this bug.

This is because you don’t use the correct fonts in latex. You need to
pick up vector fonts, such as ae, lmodern or cm-super.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'   “I recommend you to learn English in hope that you in
  `-     future understand things”  -- Jörg Schilling

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