
> After commenting the following passage from your "minimal" example
> xelatex runs fine even when lmodern is not installed:
> %    \usepackage{fontspec}       % provides font selecting commands
> %    \usepackage{xltxtra}        % provides some fixes/extras
> %
> %
> % \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text,Ligatures=Common,Numbers={OldStyle,
> %    Proportional}]{Linux Libertine O}
> %    \setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Biolinum O}
> %    \defaultfontfeatures{Scale=MatchLowercase}
> -> that bug is everything, but not grave -> lowering severity.

I have to admit that I went a bit over the top classing this bug as
grave, but the fontspec and xltxtra packages as well as the font
selecting commands (\setmainfont et cetera) belongs to almost every
Xetex file! That means that it does not make much sense to compile a
file with Xetex without these packages and commands. In addition I just
do not understand at all why Xetex cannot compile the file even though I
do not use and need this package … 

Best regards


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