Our /proc also have the same symlink, so we could just use
similar implementation. I will take care about this part.

Did you test that? Even with libc0.1 2.10.2-7 it fails the same way for me...

Now I am really confused :-(

The problem seems be due to combination of chroot and bind/nullfs mount.

(sid)Nemám #ádné jmé...@io:~/r$ /bin/ls -sl /proc/self/exe
0 lr--r--r-- 1 1013 1000 0 27. dub 11.43 /proc/self/exe -> /bin/ls

(sid)Nemám #ádné jmé...@io:~/r$ cp /bin/ls .
(sid)Nemám #ádné jmé...@io:~/r$ ./ls  -sl /proc/self/exe
0 lr--r--r-- 1 1013 1000 0 27. dub 11.43 /proc/self/exe -> unknown

(sid)Nemám #ádné jmé...@io:~/r$ cp /bin/ls /var/tmp/
(sid)Nemám #ádné jmé...@io:~/r$ /var/tmp/ls  -sl /proc/self/exe
0 lr--r--r-- 1 1013 1000 0 27. dub 11.43 /proc/self/exe -> /var/tmp/ls

So under usual setup $ORIGIN should work fine even for libc0.1 2.10.2-7.
I do not know how the buildd are configured and whether it works on them using 

I tried harder to get $ORIGIN working also under combination of chroot and bind/nullfs mount, scheduled for libc0.1 2.10.2-8.
I hope it would be sufficient.


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