Hey Clayton,

On 27/06/2010 Clayton wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 12:32:02 +0200
> Jonas Meurer <jo...@freesources.org> wrote:
> > On 16/06/2010 clayton wrote:
> > > # cryptsetup create backcrypt /dev/sda2
> > > Enter passphrase:
> > > device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Invalid argument
> > Can you post dmsetup table when this fails?
> Hi Jonas,
> Sad to say, I think the original symptom I reported may have been due to
> finger problems associated with the recent shuffling of device names.
> The encrypted partition is on USB drive that used to be assigned sda
> when it was plugged in. Now the internal hard drive is assigned sda,
> and the USB drive gets assigned sdb. Not sure how I missed that....

are you sure that this is the case? what does 'blkid /dev/sda' and
'blkid /dev/sdb' return? for a plain dm-crypt encrypted device, no
filesystem should be detected.

also you should take a look at /var/log/syslog, and at /dev/disk/by-id/
in order to find out which device is the encrypted partition on external
USB drive.

> So now: cryptsetup create backcrypt /dev/sdb2
> works.

this should work for _any_ block device, regardless whether it contains
encrypted fs or not. thus the success of above command does not indicate
that /dev/sdb2 is the correct device.

> BUT!!: when I try to mount the partition, this happens:
> # mount /media/backcrypt/
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/dm-0,
>        missing codepage or helper program, or other error
>        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
>        dmesg | tail  or so
> (Nothing at all is showing up in /var/log/messages associated with this
> event....)
> /etc/fstab contains:
> /dev/mapper/backcrypt  /media/backcrypt  ext3  rw,,user  0 0
> # ll /dev/mapper/backcrypt
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jun 27 11:50 /dev/mapper/backcrypt -> ../dm-0
> Again, the fstab entry has not changed for years, and this is a monthly
> routine that has worked consistently for years. There is also another,
> unencrypted, ext3 partition on this USB drive that continues to mount
> just fine.

what does 'blkid /dev/mapper/backcrypt' return?

the default key size and cipher mode changed for plain dm-crypt in
cryptsetup package 2:1.1.0-1. it seems like you don't use /etc/crypttab
at all, where key size and cipher mode can be configured.

again, 'cryptsetup create' doesn't fail if either passphrase or cipher/
hash/keysize are wrong. thus the only way to verify successfull setup is
to check the content of unlocked device.

try the following (these where the old defaults for cryptsetup before

# cryptsetup --key-size 128 --cipher aes-cbc-plain create backcrypt /dev/sdb2

and see what 'blkid /dev/mapper/backcrypt' returns in that case.


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