On 22/06/10 15:51, Philipp Kolmann wrote:
> On 06/22/2010 04:59 PM, Dererk wrote:
>> On -10/01/37 16:59, Philipp Kolmann wrote:   
>>> *FvwmButtons(3x1,Swallow "fbpanel" "Exec /usr/bin/fbpanel")
>>> This worked for the last years. Now it seems that fbpanel doesn't
>>> allow to be swallowed anymore. I am not sure if this is a fbpanel or
>>> FVWM2 bug.
>> Have you launch fbpanel from a terminal, to see if it throws any
>> error?    
> It launches fine from a terminal and I see the systray then.
> even when I restart fvwm it get's started again but just doesn't
> appear in the box as the 4.x version does..
> if needed, I can send you .fvwm config files.
> thanks
> philipp

Uhmmm, unfortunately it appears to be something related specifically
with fvwm, because I've tried that on Fluxbox and does what fails on fvwm.

I'll forward this to upstream to see what thinks about this and if could
prepare a workaround, meanwhile, can you leave your configuration here
for the record?



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