On Sat, 17 Jul 2010 12:05:18 +0200, Albin Tonnerre wrote:

> I am actually able to reproduce it, though it might not be clear from the bug
> report history. Summary below:
>  - Only happens on stable (tested in a chroot) with either 0.4.1 and 0.5.2
>  - Works for me in the stable chroot after locally rebuilding and installing
>    dvtm in the chroot

Ok, I see. Sorry for not reading the bug log more carefully.
> If both of you (Xavier and Gregor) could try to reproduce the issue in a 
> stable
> chroot, and then test a rebuilt version, it would be very kind of you. Doing
> this fixes the issue for me, but since it apparently doesn't for Alexander, 
> I'd
> like more testing.

Ok, I logged into a cowbuilder lenny chroot from an urxvt terminal
under awesome on unstable), apt-get installed dvtm (0.4.1-1), started
dvtm, got a shell, pressed Ctrl-g c, got another shell.

Sorry for getting different results than you :)


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