
I can reproduce it too.

> Installing nsca and answering 'no' to the debcanf question which asks if
> you want to run the nsca daemon still results in a running daemon with a
> pretty unusual PID:
> 4294967295 12373   1  0 21:08 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/nsca --daemon -c 
> /etc/nsca.cfg
> I'm filing this as serious as I consider daemons which run and listen on
> tcp ports without being configured to do so as a security issue.
> Especially when they run with a UID which might b in use otherwise.
> I'd guess it tries to use -1 as UID as that was the UID of nobody some
> ancient times ago.

True. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Xavier Oswald <xosw...@debian.org>
GNU/Linux Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org/
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