Hi Adam,
Adam D. Barratt schrieb am 26.01.2011 17:57:
> On Wed, January 26, 2011 14:51, Kai Wasserbäch wrote:
>> with the consent of Sune [0] I just uploaded a new version of
>> kingston-update-notifier to unstable (which was accepted [1]). The upload
>> closes  three bugs and consists mainly of an added translation (German) to
>> Kingston.
>> Furthermore a Recommends was added and a minor change to the code base
>> happened (addition of a "Reboot" button). Because of the translation and
>> the usefulness of the other (minor) changes, I'd like to request an
>> unblocking of Kingston, so it can enter testing (Squeeze).
> So far as I can see, other than the translation, the two bugs fixed have
> severities wishlist and important; is that correct?  If so, then I'm
> afraid it's too late to get them in to squeeze.

Yes, apart from the translations we have wishlist and an important bug, but as
the changes made for them are really minor, I hoped they could "tag along" with
the translation. Both non-translation bug fixes would improve the usefulness

> I'm also slightly confused (and possibly missing something) as to how the
> Recommends on anacron ensures that updates are checked for, as the package
> does not seem to ship any cron fragments.

Anacron ensures, that the apt cronjob, which updates the package lists, is run,
even if the system is not up 24/7. The "Recommends: anacron" approach was also
taken by update-notifier, which's lead I was following here.

Kind regards,
Kai Wasserbäch


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