
Yann Cézard <yann.cez...@univ-pau.fr> (25/02/2011):
> After doing a full-upgrade on my sid this morning, I am encountering
> the very same problem. I am not using radeon but nvidia module, but
> it looks like the same : everytime I launch a KDE app (or QT ?), X
> crash and restart. No problem so far with non KDE apps.
> Don't know if this problem should be resolved in xorg or KDE, but
> just to say that Serge is not alone facing this problem.
> The crash Xorg.log is attached.

the backtrace doesn't look like the one in his Xorg.0.log.old file
(which looks strange anyway). Please file a bug against nvidia-glx,
possibly with a full backtrace:


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