Am 25.02.2011 19:54, schrieb Elimar Riesebieter:

The firmware you need is part of the kernel.

Are you sure?

When i followed the description in the wiki i take the original firmware file, patch it and put it into the directory /usr/local/lib/firmware/cs46xx

# mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/firmware/cs46xx
# cp cs46xx/cs46xx-old.fw /usr/local/lib/firmware/cs46xx

This firmware file is loaded dynamically by the kernel driver cs46xx.ko.
Nothing of it is part of the kernel.
Before i added this firmware, the kernel driver errors out that he is missing the firmware file.

Different to Lenny is only that this firmware is not part of ALSA now.
And really strange is the applied patch:

 static struct BA1struct BA1Struct = {
-{{ 0x00000000, 0x00003000 },{ 0x00010000, 0x00003800 },{ 0x00020000, 0x00007000 }},
+{{ 0x00003000 },{ 0x00003800 },{ 0x00007000 }},

It looks like the exchange of some addresses - but now 3 values are missing !? But it makes no difference for the firmware binary after calling write_images (diff).
That's all very strange ...



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