>Quoting Bill Allombert <bill.allomb...@math.u-bordeaux1.fr>:
> > Before any further discussion, we need a way to reproduce your issue.
> > This backtrace does not provide much information, unfortunately,
> > but the problem is probably in thunar-vfs-thumb-jpeg.c.
I'm not so sure of that, but indeed we need to know what exactly is
passed to libjpeg.
> In fact, the files i was browsing are on a CDROM, so i wanted to copy  
> them in order to find which one triggered this issue. Unfortunately,  
> it seems this CDROM is too old and I/O errors occurred when copying  
> this directory. I checked again, and thunar is totally silent about  
> the I/O errors, and the partially copied files do not trigger this  
> issue. So i guess it ignores them and instead of displaying some  
> default icon must pass silly things to libjpeg.
> I'm then reassigning to thunar.

There's nothing we can do without a backtrace either. But in any case
the I/O errors can't be displayed by Thunar, it's more like your kernel
role. Now If you're able to reproduce it consistently when reading from
your CD-ROM, please provide a backtrace with debugging symbols and no
optimization (you'll need to rebuild thunar with -O0).

If you disable thumbnailing completely, can you open the file from
Thunar, can you get the properties etc?


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