
On Sat, 26 Mar 2011 21:27:14 +0100
Sebastian Reichel <s...@debian.org> wrote:

> > My previous laptop had Mobility Radeon 7500 (which by the way wasn't
> > fully supported by X --- I had no hardware acceleration).

> That's not correct, my previous laptop also had a Radeon 7500
> Mobility and I had hw acceleration in X. Upstream developers
> state this, too (7500 Mobility has an r100 chip):

Well, I do not know what do they put in those feature matrices, the
fact is that on my system no hardware acceleration was available, and
the TV out didn't work at all before the latest X, and in the latest
version it didn't work properly (the colors were shifted into the blue).

WBR, Andrew

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