>From: Jon Marler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Quoting Elliott Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Sendmail definitely supports IPv6, and I strongly suspect Postfix does as
> > well. This makes Qmail the unusual one in /not/ supportting IPv6. Given
> > the increasing prevalence of support, I'd suggest either documenting the
> > lack of support or including the Qmail IPv6 patch.
> IPV6 support is not presently required for MTA's in Debian, regardless of how
> many other MTA's do support IPV6.
> I'm marking this as a wishlist bug for further consideration in a future
> release.

True. At this point though, it looks like enough of a majority do support
IPv6, that it is reasonable to presume that a randomly chosen MTA will
support IPv6. Given this I think there definitely needs to be prompt
action. Long term of course I'd prefer the patch, but for the short term
adding an explicit mention should is easy.

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