Am 11.07.2011 08:24, schrieb Yves Rutschle:
>> lot's of fud
> Well, that's not really my habit.
> I'll go over what happened:
> - I installed the meta package gnome
> - It installed network-manager
> - network-manager left me with an empty /etc/resolv.conf
>   (except for a helpful message that the file had been
>   generated by network-manager -- at least you know where
>   the problem comes from)
> - this obviously breaks other packages that access the
>   network, e.g. firefox.
> Are you saying that I hallucinated /etc/resolv.conf being
> emptied? 
> Or do you disagree that this is a problem with gnome and I
> should take it to the network-manager people?

Why you filed this against gnome is beyond me, especially with that severity.

Anyway, your problem is most likely

I.e. you have multiple interfaces, where the primary interface is not managed by
NM but ifupdown.

If you have something useful to contribute, you can follow up on these two bug


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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