2011/8/3 Ibragimov Rinat <ibragimovri...@mail.ru>

> > I don't have those open() here so it might be related to something else
> > than xfdesktop. Maybe the GTK+ theme or the icon theme you're using?
> I've tried to comment out calling `xfce_desktop_menu_get_widget' from
> menu.c:91 and delays disappeared. "Application" submenu too, of course.
> It seems, menu is built every time it's going to display
> (xfce-desktop-menu.c:112).
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Well, to avoid the delay you can also disable icons in the application
submenu by unchecking "Show Application Menu Icons" (or something like that,
I'm sorry, I'm using my Italian system and I do not know the exact English
translation) under Desktop -> Menu -> Desktop Menu properties.

Of course, this is only a workaround and not a solution, but it tells us
that the problem is in some way related to the menu and the icons.
I think that the problem is the same with my xfce-appfinder delay.

Best Regards,

Marco Milone

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