severity 636916 normal

On Sun, Aug 07, 2011 at 01:55:53AM +0200, Viliam Housecat wrote:
> Hello,
> The issue is that dark gray colours (I belive it is the photo-black ink) are
> displaced on the paper. There is a gray partial image printed to the right of
> the rest of the image. The gray partial image is also horizontally scaled. It
> appears that the coordinate X is doubled: X = Xcorrect * 2.
> Please suggest how to resolve it, or where to look at, or what additional
> information I could provide, I am a technical user but relatively new to 
> Linux.


The latest version of gutenprint is 5.2.7, which is available in testing
and unstable:

I would suggest trying those (cups-driver-gutenprint, libgutenprint2)
so see if this problem was corrected in this release.

If this does not solve your problem, your best bet is to ask the
upstream developers on the gimp-print-devel mailing list:
This was a newly-added printer model, and it may be the case that it
requires further tuning.  5.2.7 added support for more Canon features,
so it's possible this was addressed.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux   
 `. `'   Printing on GNU/Linux?
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