Quoting Alexander Wirt (formo...@formorer.de):

> Please follow the templates on
> http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/HOWTO_start_list and provide all needed
> information.

Oh, sorry. What was I thinking aout? :-)

Here are those informations:

Name: debian-l10n-serbian

 Discussions about translation efforts to different flavours of the Serbian
 language. Coordination of translators' work. Entry point for overall
 l10n coordinators when trying to reach people working on Serbian

 After Debconf 11, a significant number of local people both in Serbia
 and Republika Srpska have shown interest for Serbian translation
 work. Enough, imho, to motivate the creation of a mailing list.

Short description: Serbian localization

Long description:
 Discussing Serbian localization issues, mainly translating Debian
 docs and programs to Serbian. 

Category: Internationalization and Translations

Subscription: open

Moderation: no

Web archives: yes

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