Am 02.07.2011 03:40, schrieb Thorsten Glaser:
> Michael Biebl dixit:
>> Try "-n"
> That gives me (startup excluded):
> […]
> 0340.178347252:c09df4c0: main Q:Reg/w0: worker IDLE, waiting for work.
> 0346.258093052:c11df4c0: --------imuxsock calling select, active file 
> descriptors (max 3): 3 
> After about 50000 repeats (wc on the log, cut and uniq) of the 'calling
> select' line I ^C’d it, which spewed normal-looking shutdown messages.
> The call to logger returned normally, but nothing showed up in the logs.

Looks like a m68k specific problem to me, probably libc/kernel related.
I suggest you contact the m68k porters about this problem.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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