On jeu., 2011-09-01 at 05:20 +0100, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-08-31 at 18:33 +0200, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> > Ok, here's an updated patchset.
> > 
> > Tarball can be found at
> > http://molly.corsac.net/~corsac/debian/kernel-grsec/grsec-patches.tar.xz
> > (and already extracted in grsec-patches/ folder).
> > 
> > It's a folder with a quilt patche series
> > 
> > * 01_support-linux-3.0.patch
> > 
> > This is unrelated but needed to support linux3 naming scheme in
> > genorig.py.
> Already done on trunk.

Ha, fair enough, I was wondering how people did the orig for 3.x :) Can
this be committed to sid/, since it has 3.0 anyway?
> > * 02_force-hostcc-version.patch
> > 
> > This one is needed because grsecurity ships two gcc (>= 4.5) plugins.
> > Those need to be built with the same compiler version as the rest of the
> > kernel, but right now they're built with HOSTCC which is not set right
> > now, so defaults to 'gcc' which is gcc-4.6 at that time. So export
> > HOSTCC to the (non CROSS_COMPILE) version.
> gcc plugins surely need to be built _for_ the compiler version used for
> the kernel, not _by_ that version.

I'm not sure about what you mean here. I assumed that building a gcc
plugin with a given gcc version meant that it was built *for* this
version (and thus forcing the compiler for those plugins to the same
version used for the kernel meant the plugin would work at kernel build

> Also, you are changing HOSTCC for all build tools and not just these
> plugins.

Yes, as said on #debian-kernel this was because it seemed more logical
to use the same thing everywhere and because at one point I had issues
with building perf for squeeze 2.6.32 on a box where gcc was at 4.6. And
in fact, afaict, I'm forcing HOSTCC for the whole build, but I have to
admit I found that more consistent to have CC and HOSTCC at the same

If you think it's a bad idea I can try to modify grsecurity patch to add
it to the plugins Makefile (that'd be debian specific the same way I
remove localversion) but kernelvariables looked like a good place.
> > 03_enable-strict-user-copy-check.patch
> > 
> > This one in not directly involved with grsecurity. Could be enabled by
> > itself (#639919)
> Without the strict check, the crap code produces a compile-time warning
> and a run-time warning and *no copying*.  With the strict check, the
> crap code results in FTBFS (but only on i386 and s390!).  So how is this
> an improvement for us?

I've replied to the specific bug so we can track it there, since it's
unrelated (and is not needed per se on the grsecurity featureset).
> > 04_add-linux-grsec-base-templates.patch
> > 
> > This one adds basic templates for a linux-grsec-base binary packages to
> > be built by linux-2.6 but I still didn't figured out how to patch
> > genorig.py to make it do it.
> Don't add such a package to linux-2.6.  It should be a new source
> package, like linux-base is now (after I initially made that mistake).

Well, that's what I did when you suggested it (packaging is at
 but afaiui Bastian asked it not to be a new source package. Anyway, this can 
be dropped easily if not needed.
> > 05_add-grsec-featureset.patch
> > 
> > This is the main part, adding the featureset and config.
> And linux-grsec-base, a second time!

Woops, fixed :)
> > 06_grsecurity.patch
> > 
> > The main grsecurity patch, not really readable since the quilt patch
> > adds a patch :) It's basically the genuine grsecurity patch (right now
> > grsecurity-2.2.2-3.0.4-201108301903.patch) with two little change:
> > 
> > * removing the -grsec localversion
> > * oneliner to make it apply against debian sources
> You should provide a gen-patch script to help in regenerating the patch.

Yeah good point. At least localversion should be easy to filterdiff. And
maybe add a specific .kernelvariables and the relevant include to the
plugins Makefile. Thanks for the suggestion.

Yves-Alexis Perez

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