Am 28.10.2011 12:17, schrieb Markus Raab:

Am Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011 schrieb Patrick Matthäi:
Am 28.10.2011 11:50, schrieb Markus Raab:
Package: apt-dater
Version: 0.8.4-4+squeeze1
Severity: normal

-- Problem:
When I press 'g' on a host where either:
   - ssh connection does not work
   - sudo /usr/bin/aptitude update or sudo /usr/bin/apt-get update needs
     a password

the host goes to "Unknown" section without any further notice why.

-- Expected behaviour:
Print out the source of the problem - ideally with a hint how to solve it
- or give the user a chance to type in the password like for upgrading.

You can press 'c' for connect, than you will see, if ssh works and in
the next step you could call "apt-dater-host status" about it?

Yes that step works perfectly, but the host would still be in
section "Unknown" if sudoers does not contain:
user  ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/aptitude update, /usr/bin/apt-get update

Nevertheless manual verification what the problem is does not help beginners
which try apt-dater the first time - they are left without any clue what was
wrong or how it should be if it fails completely silent.

best regards

That is the reason why you should call after a sucessful connect "apt-dater-host status" :) Then you will see, if it works

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