On mer., 2011-12-07 at 23:26 +0100, Isaac Gelado wrote:
> Attached two log files:
>  xfce4-terminal : valgrind xfce4-terminal
>  xfce4-terminal-leak : valgrind --leak-check=full xfce4-terminal

Could you use the more complete valgrind call used on the page I gave

Something like:

G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly valgrind --tool=memcheck
--leak-check=full \
--show-reachable=yes -v --log-file=$HOME/valgrind.log xfce4-terminal

(and do it without any xfce4-terminal previously running, or else it
won't do anything relevant). And please let it run for a while, and tell
us how long did it run and how much used memory was reported in top.


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