Marc is absolutely right - this is very bad concept and politic to drop
widely used features at least suddenly. If there are strong reason for
this it should be done for a some period of time and user should be
given possibility to adopt their systems to the new situation.

I remember many years ago I have migrated from VMware 3.0 to KVM. The
only way to do so was to use SCSI. It is amazing, but those old systems
survives numerous upgrades of KVM (eventually it follow every upgrade).
I am not working there anymore, but I am sad thinking my previous
employer will encounter problems now if KVM will be upgraded.

But now I have problem too. For a few years I have used SCSI to debug
and testing my installer in different RAID configurations. And now I
have no possibility to do this work with KVM. I have never encountered
any problems with SCSI either in production mentioned above or in this
testing environment. So, I don't understand, why it should be removed.

Again, if there are reasons for this, there are should be alternative.
What about ahci? I don't see anything about this in man page and docs.
How can I try it?


##  Vladimir Stavrinov

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