On Fri, 10 Feb 2012 17:08:54 +0100, Leandro Noferini <lnofe...@cybervalley.org> 
> The browser addressed to host with semanticscuttle shows this error message:
> No default configuration file config.default.php found. This is really, 
> really strange

This is indeed really strange... Can you list the files in the
/etc/semanticscuttle directory? There should be a config.default.php
file in there, and the findFiles() function in
src/SemanticScuttle/Config.php should find it...


Lorsque l'on range des objets dans des tiroirs, et que l'on a plus
d'objets que de tiroirs, alors un tiroir au moins contient deux
                        - Lejeune-Dirichlet, Peter Gustav

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