/etc/mahara/servername.conf contains the following:

---- 8< ----------------------------------------------------------------
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!  It is managed by debconf!
# It will be overwritten the next time this package is configured.
# Use 'dpkg-reconfigure mahara-apache2' instead.
ServerName localhost
---- 8< ----------------------------------------------------------------

Note that if I do `dpkg-reconfigure -plow mahara-apache2`, I'm only
asked one question about a redirection, and even if I let the answer
empty, the ServerName remains "localhost".

I'm no expert at apache configuration semantics, but it seemed to me
that having a 

<VirtalHost *>

section should change apache's configuration globally (thus srewing the
local admin's configuration).

That's why most other files in /etc/apache2/conf.d just define an Alias
(sometimes even commented) and change configuration with Directory

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