-=| gregor herrmann, Tue, Mar 09, 2010 at 05:54:21PM +0100 |=-
> 1) With your patch:
> $ for s in examples/*; do echo "=== $s ==="; PERL5LIB=/:examples perl $s; done
> === examples/autotune ===
> Can't call method "mode" on an undefined value at examples/autotune line 25.
> === examples/capture ===
> Can't call method "mode" on an undefined value at examples/capture line 85.

These look like your camera has no "tuner". Whatever that is. Nothing 
to worry about, I think.

> === examples/getepg ===
> Undefined subroutine &Video::Capture::V4l::VBI::v4l_open called at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/Video/Capture/V4l.pm line 177.

your v4l1.patch helps here. Thanks!

> 3) I'm wondering if we need to replace munmap/ioctl/mmap/read too?
>    I've started to do that some time ago (attachment v4l1.patch)
>    but now I don't see a difference.

Since libv4l has wrappers for these, I think using them is the way to 
go. Included in the debian package patch. (and thanks again!)

> 4) Testing is a bit difficult for me with my cheap webcam, since it
>    doesn't support many functions; IIUIC some stuff expects a TV 
>    card

I'll try the package on the eee and see if it works.

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