Comments inline

On Wed, Apr 01, 2015 at 08:43:51AM +0200, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> I forwarded the bug report to the upstream maintainer:
> please find below his answer.
> - 
> --8><-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - -------
> First, imagine a bug report entitled "file.c contains some armchair coding". 
> Such a statement would imply there is a class of people allowed to write 
> code, from which the author of file.c is excluded. I feel it against the 
> ethos of free, open software that text would be accepted or rejected based on 
> the qualifications of the person writing it.

Um, but we don't have a widely regarded association for programmers,
whereas we do have bars.

In fact, in some situations, practice of law requires a license,
otherwise it's a crime! I'd be interested in what a judge would say to
this argument :)

> But because much of the bug report is concerned with the qualifications of 
> the author, here goes: no, I do not have a law degree. However, my work as a 
> Free Software Foundation employee included writing white papers on 
> intellectual property law and a legal brief filed in the US Federal Circuit. 
> My recommendations and legal reasoning in the brief, a law review paper, and 
> other writings from the mid to late `00s are not far from the ruling and 
> reasoning in last year's Supreme Court ruling in Alice Corp. Over the course 
> of my work with the FSF on intellectual property law, I spoke directly with 
> the people involved in writing the AGPL, who expressed some disappointment 
> with how the AGPL was worded, and said that they wished that they'd just 
> stated directly that running code on a public server is distribution. I have 
> also had extensive dealings with the authors of GPLv3, and know the license, 
> its history, and many of the considerations that went into it very well. 
> These interacti!
>  ons went i
> nto the considerations for the licensing of Apophenia.

As you well know, being involved with this, license proliferation is
making our job to keep users free harder.

> There are three parts to the Apophenia license as written. I recommend 
> keeping the first, changing the text of the second, and cutting third. 
> 1. The first part of the license is the GPLv2. There are other packages that 
> are based on GPLv2, and not "GPLv2 or later". For example, I understand that 
> Debian distributes the Linux kernel. Not only is the kernel licensed under 
> GPLv2, the GPLv2 license as distributed with the kernel is prefaced with 
> explicit sniping about GPLv3:

Who said anything about the GPLv2 being non-distributable?

> "Also note that the only valid version of the GPL as far as the kernel is 
> concerned is _this_ particular version of the license (ie v2, not v2.2 or 
> v3.x or whatever), unless explicitly otherwise stated."
> Based on this precedent, I believe that distributing a Debian package under 
> the GPLv2 (not "and later") is valid.

Who said it wasn't? The issue is your further restrictions cause
non-distribution, whereas the GPLv3 lets you remove the clauses.

> My recommendation is that we replace my text with text from ยง13 of the 2007 
> Affero license. It expresses a similar sentiment, but being written by 
> lawyers, it  addresses the ad hominem issues presented in the bug report.
> The question of what happens when two libraries under different licenses are 
> jointly distributed is simple under the law: the intersection of all 
> restrictions apply.

Not the intersection, the set of both.

> If the license on library A says you may only distribute the code on Monday, 
> Tuesday, or Wednesday, and the license on library B says you may only 
> distribute the code on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, there isn't any 
> challenging legal puzzle: you have the right to distribute on Wednesday, and 
> only on Wednesday.

Intersection, not set of both. GPL also says you can have no further
restrictions, so doing that with the GPL means it's *not distributable*

> Of course, if the licences have no intersection, you can't link A and B. This 
> explains the single paragraph GPLv2 devotes to linking, which begins "This 
> General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into 
> proprietary programs." This sentence is not an additional restriction, but a 
> clarification that if the license for A says 'you must distribute' and the 
> license for B says 'you must not distribute', a product that uses A and B is 
> basically a legal impossibility.

The LGPL contains what is an additional or special permission to do

> Are there features of AGPL that make it impossible to link AGPLed code with 
> GPLv3ed code?

Yes. That's why there's a clause for this.

> The not-armchair lawyers at the FSF have this to say (be sure to read the 
> entire
> paragraph):

I know their view on this.

> To paraphrase the above: You are (explicitly, in this paragraph) granted 
> permission to link AGPLed software to other code licensed under other 
> licenses, such as GPL v3. Linking to a differently-licensed code base does 
> not free the code (or the combination) of the stipulations of either code 
> base.

For what it's worth, this is in the license; and wasn't in your terms -
this is where the root of some of the non-distributablity comes from.

> Summary:
> * GPLv2 (not GPLv2 or later) is a valid license, used by other packages in 
> Debian. I started writing Apophenia before GPLv3 existed, and see reason to 
> not shift to the newer license.

No one claimed otherwise, you misunderstood my claim due to nuances
between GPL2 and 3.

> * We can replace the Affero-ization text I wrote with text taken from the 
> 2007 edition of the AGPL, as above.

| Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
| 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
| Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
| of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

Please get permission from the FSF to do this unfortunate thing to their
license. I'm CC'ing jgay.

> I believe that this modification, using the GPLv2 + modern Affero clause, is 
> a better option than using the AGPL version of GPLv2 itself. Although it is 
> not standard in the sense of having a common acronym, it uses two standard 
> parts that are commonly recognized and can be sensibly combined.

This is *not distributable*. It's a further restriction -- even if I
agree with it.

Please pick either the plain LGPL or GPL.


 .''`.  Paul Tagliamonte <>  |   Proud Debian Developer
: :'  : 4096R / 8F04 9AD8 2C92 066C 7352  D28A 7B58 5B30 807C 2A87
`. `'`

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