Control: tag -1 + pending

Hi Peter,

peter green wrote:
> On 31/07/15 03:17, peter green wrote:
> > If/when I get a sucessful build I will upload to raspbian and post
> > a further update to this bug. No intent to NMU in Debian.
> After disabling octave support I ran into another less major issue.
> It seems that the package fails to build if tcl/tk 8.6 is installed
> because it gets confused about which version of tcl/tk it should be
> building for and ends up not building the tcl/tk support leading to
> a failure at the packaging stage. So I added some build-conflicts.
> A debdiff for what I have uploaded to raspbian is attached,

Thanks a lot for this work.

> no intent to NMU in Debian.

But I do. I want to get the GNU Data Language (GDL) eco-system back
into Debian Testing.

I plan to soon-ish upload an NMU of plplot based on Peter's patch for
Raspbian plus also targetting (Non-free
Lenna image in upstream source.)

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <>,
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, Admin
`. `'   |  4096R: 2517 B724 C5F6 CA99 5329  6E61 2FF9 CD59 6126 16B5
  `-    |  1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486  202E C09E 1D89 9593 0EDE

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