Am 13.12.2016 um 18:22 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> Control: forwarded -1
> Am 13.12.2016 um 18:02 schrieb Michael Biebl:
>> Am 13.12.2016 um 16:53 schrieb Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta:
>>> Hi there,
>>> The --tls-remote was removed in OpenVPN 2.4, and was already marked as
>>> DEPRECATED in OpenVPN 2.3. From OpenVPN 2.3's manpage:
>>> Please  also note: This option is now deprecated.  It will be removed
>>> either in OpenVPN v2.4 or v2.5.  So please make sure you support the new
>>> X.509  name formatting  described  with  the  --compat-names option as
>>> soon as possible by updating your configurations to use
>>> --verify-x509-name instead.
>>> IMHO this should have been fixed in network-manager-openvpn before 2.4
>>> arrived.
>> Ok, thanks for the info.
>> I've cloned this bug report for openvpn. It needs a versioned Breaks
>> against network-manager-openvpn once a fixed version has been uploaded, to
>> avoid breakage on partial uploads.
>> I'll ping you once such a version is available.
> I've blocked the two bugs accordingly and forwarded the issue to upstream.

Looking at
there are possibly more packages which are affected.
Have you notified them about this and/or checked that they are not affected?

I'm not sure if it's a bit late at this point of the release cycle to
introduce such a change in openvpn. I've CCed the release-team on their
input on this, i.e. whether we want openvpn in stretch 2.4 and how the
removal of tls-remote should be handled.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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