What do you mean by "not tested" ? You did built it right?
Not as of that message.

I since tried to build the "version script" option: it failed most of its tests with
Exit Code: 126

Command Output (stderr):
E: env var COWDANCER_ILISTFILE not defined
E: cowdancer: Fatal, initialize_functions failed
E: env var COWDANCER_ILISTFILE not defined
E: env var COWDANCER_ILISTFILE not defined
E: env var COWDANCER_ILISTFILE not defined
/bin/bash: /home/rnpalmer/Debian/builds/stackbuild/llvm-toolchain-3.9-3.9.1/build-llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/Output/2008-04-09-BranchFolding.ll.script: Cannot allocate memory

  Expected Passes    : 1550
  Expected Failures  : 141
  Unsupported Tests  : 339
  Unexpected Failures: 15192

(dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc inside cowbuilder --login (*not* --build), 4GB RAM)

That looks like an environment problem, but as this was my first attempt to build LLVM, I don't know for sure.

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