
On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 03:21:11AM +0300, kact...@gnu.org wrote:
> I never worked with NSS, but how did it happen, that useradd {in postinst}
> created user in a way, that userdel {in prerm} could not find?

That's not what happened.

The sreview user already existed before the sreview-common package was
installed, but it did not exist in /etc/passwd; instead, it existed in a
different location, configured through an NSS module.

The easiest way for you to test this is probably to install libnss-db,
change the value of ETC in /etc/default/libnss-db to some other
directory and cull the DBS value so it contains just passwd, then create
a file called "passwd" in the directory that you pointed ETC to, run
"make -C /var/lib/misc", and add "db" to /etc/nsswitch.conf on the
"passwd" line.

Meanwhile, I'm going to have to implement it properly and remove
dh_sysuser from my build-depends. Ah well.

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  -- Amaya Rodrigo Sastre, trying to quiet down the buzz in the DebConf 2008

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