
Thanks a lot. When this bug is fixed I hope it will be fixed also in Gnome 3.30, not just in Gnome 3.32 so that Debian Buster will also have the fix. It looks like Debian 10 "Buster" will be released with Gnome 3.30, I ofcourse may be wrong. I am usin Debian stable releases on desktop and laptop so I will upgrade all my computers to Debian Buster when it is released sometime in the next summer. And after that the next time I will upgrade is when Debian 11 will be released sometime in 2021...

On 1/1/19 1:05 AM, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
Control: forwarded -1

On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 4:03 PM Mika Hanhijärvi <mik...@gmail.com> wrote:
This is wery severe unacceptable problem. This bug makes Gnome 3.30 unusable
for the visually impaired users because you can not access or change the
desktop settings.
Thank you for taking the time to report this bug.

I agree that the GNOME Settings app has many accessible problems for
navigating with only a keyboard and screen reader.

I opened a bug now for the most critical issue. When that's fixed, you
should be able to navigate most of the Settings app, although there
are some elements that are not read and the context may be unclear.

Jeremy Bicha

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