Il 31/01/19 01:15, Jérémy Lal ha scritto:
> ...
> Hi,
> i find it funny that no one even tried to solve this bug:
> both packages (python-jsbeautifier, node-js-beautify)
> have the same upstream !
> The solution here is to provide two dpkg-alternative to
> /usr/bin/js-beautify.
> It's blocking postcss, it would be nice to quickly fix this.
> Jérémy

I had proposed an ever quicker fix:
which is still on my todo list. What do you think of that ?

A more complex (but nicer) alternative would be to have single source generate 
both the js and python package.

Currently they have the same homepage, but different upstream tarballs.
python-jsbeautifier watches pypi:
whereas we watch github:

Another difficulty is that python-jsbeautifier is at version 1.6.4, whereas 
node-js-beautifyis at 1.7.5.
In any case both packages could be updated to 1.8.9 which is the current 
non-beta version.


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