On 1/10/21 10:20 AM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Bernd Zeimetz (2021-01-09 22:09:06)
>>> Since then, he continued develop under original project name 
>>> Valentina, whereas Seamly2D virtually stalled with no substantial 
>>> code changes , only superficial changes to build infrastructure, 
>>> locales, and icons.
>> well, compared to valentina it seems to have way more pull requests 
>> and is at least very responsive to requests. Looking on valentina it 
>> seems to be a one-man-show - more or less.
> Seems to me that Seamly2D is similarly a one-woman-show - difference 
> (disregarding sexes) being that one is good with code and the other is 
> good with words and people.

I think its a woman and a man, at least according to the commits.
There is a long list of issues with interesting ideas, more pushing
towards cloud and similar features.

> But I might be wrong.  Or maybe code is largely "done" and only _need_ 
> smaller polishing.

Definitely not, there are some new features like keyboard shortcuts
(imho not chosen wisely, but thats my taste probably).

>>> I recommend that Debian does not carry Seamly3D, and encourage 
>>> helping out with maintaining Valentina instead.
>> Would have been nice to know about that after I've opened the RFP bug 
>> - to be hones I haven't even been able to find valentina with apt, 
>> maybe I've searched for the wrong words.
> For future sake, I recommend to share RFPs and ITPs to 
> debian-devel@l.d.o as is the default for reportbug

Thats why I've used reportbug, would have expected that that happens.

> That said, you got a point about keywords - and curiously, you didn't 
> add "sewing" to long description of Seamly2D either :-P

true. we've copied the same text ;)

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentina_(software) has a summary, with 
> link to a longer blog entry about it.
> Following trails from there, I found this post which seems essential: 
> https://web.archive.org/web/20171216140149/http://valentinaproject.forumotion.me/t23-my-vision

I've searched a bit, also found
which is the mentioned blog entry.

> I found no similar information from Seamly2D side of the fork.  If you 
> find any then please do share.

Me neither.

> Seems to me that Seamly2D has created a stronger brand with more fans, 
> whereas Valentina has more programmers involved (i.e. has "only one" or 
> "one at all", depending how you look at it).

Was probably easy as the valentina-project page points to seamly now,
which is rather sad.

> I was hoping that the strong community of Seamly2D would lead to more 
> sample documents than the relatively few shipped with Valentina, but I 
> have so far not been able to locate any, and it seems all blog posts in 
> Seamly2D shares only PDFs, no *source* patterns.  Therefore I also am 
> unaware how compatible Valentina and Seamly2D is in their document 
> formats, if at all.

I also gave that a try: and they are not compatible anymore, although
seamly still says valentina format. Which is.. stupid.

It was easy to fix with

 3676  sed 's,solidLine,hair,g' -i hike_and_fly_backpack.val
 3678  sed 's,lineType,typeLine,g' -i hike_and_fly_backpack.val

I'd have expected a new file format name and extension.

 Bernd Zeimetz                            Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 http://bzed.de                                http://www.debian.org
 GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485  DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F

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