Hi pabs,

On Wed, 27 Jan 2021 07:19:13 +0800, Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:
> When I try to use loggedfs I get an error, presumably because loggedfs
> wants fuse rather than fuse3, but I can't install fuse because other
> things I have installed want fuse3 instead of fuse.

Unfortunately this would be rather difficult to fix in loggedfs itself.
loggedfs goes through libfuse2, which then uses fusermount. With fuse3,
fusermount no longer supports “-o nonempty”, because that’s now the default
(but it’s not treated as a no-op). There’s no nice way for loggedfs to
determine which version of fusermount will be used; it could run “fusermount
-V” and parse its output — but it can’t determine which binary libfuse2 will
actually use...

See also #918984, #939767, #927291.



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