Paul Slootman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> So does it make sense that I start of with the old ones?  I guess I need
> Yes...

So you mean the structure won't change much, and if I provide a patch
against that it will still kind of apply to your new ones?

>> config, postinst and maybe the templates file.
>> Here's a quick shot, untested:
>> In wwwoffle.config:
>> if [ -s /etc/cron.d/wwwoffle ]; then
>>   ... as before ...
>> elif [ -n "$CONFIG_ARG2" ]; # do this only when this is not a fresh install
>>    db_set wwwoffle/fetchfrequency off
>> fi
>> db_get wwwoffle/fetchfrequency   ###########################################
>> rc=$?
>> - if [ $rc -eq 0 -o $rc -ge 30 ]; then # bashism, and won't catch "off"
> Hmm, that's not what I have in my wwwoffle.config ... 2.8e-2 at least
> doesn't have that.

Strange, I must have looked at the sarge version or whatever.  Just
fetched the current sid version, and this part looks okay to me.

> Besides, -o is NOT a bashism, I've been using that since SystemVR2.
> ash accepts it fine also.

You're right, it's not a bashism, and even dash understands it when
called as /bin/sh.  It's not POSIX, though, and posh doesn't know about
it.  Doesn't matter much, probably.

>> But I don't understand the purpose of the first test where I fixed the
>> bashism - why do you only act on the crontab file if the value is zero
>> or if it is at least 30?  That means that I can't set it to 20 via
>> debconf, doesn't it?
> You seriously need to study debconf.... the value is in $RET;
> here $rc contains the status, not the debconf value.
> 30 == question not asked.

Sorry, as I said this was just a "quick shot", I didn't think about it
thoroughly.  Of course I already knew the difference, and we should stop
accusing each other of not having understood debconf (either the usage
or the purpose...).

I also don't have much time currently, therefore I can't promise you a
working patch right now.  

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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