Control: tags 1012825 patch
Control: severity 1012825 normal
Control: unblock 1012789 by 1012825

On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 11:57 AM Petter Reinholdtsen <> wrote:
> Until upstream decide to reinsert the symbol or bump the SONAME, I
> suggest to carry this patch.  It should get the broken packages in
> Debian working again.
 As noted by libtiff upstream as well, this function was internal of
tiff and its declaration was in a header file that was not installed
publicly. They could change that without prior notice.
If linuxcnc-uspace still wants to use it, then copy that function[1]
and its details to their source tree. They already done copying with
the _TIFFsetString() function declaration.
Then I can add a break for its older versions for tiff.


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