Hi Sebastian!

Il 14/07/22 11:22, Sebastian Ramacher ha scritto:
Control: tags 1000932 + patch
Control: tags 1000932 + pending

Dear maintainer,

I've prepared an NMU for doxygen (versioned as 1.9.1-2.1) and
uploaded it to DELAYED/7. Please feel free to tell me if I
should delay it longer.


thanks for the quick patch; alas your fix will break this logic:
which was contributed by Norbert Lange to fix https://bugs.debian.org/945427.

At this point I am unsure what effects this may cause, I only vaguely remember that the Clang_DIR and LLVM_DIR env vars plug into cmake somehow.

So I'd propose to skip this NMU, as I'd rather address this as part of the new upstream release (https://bugs.debian.org/1013636). With each upstream release, I usually run massive archive rebuilds with ratt which helps pinpoint which of the ~700 paackages that reverse-build-dep on doxygen might fail when the new version is pushed through.

Having said that, if you feel confident this will not break too many things, feel free to let it go.

Otherwise I'm more than happy if you are inspired to contribute in any way to doxygen maintenance; for me the preferred way is by means of Merge Requests on salsa.



P.S. I also tried reviving the salsa gitlab CI:
https://salsa.debian.org/debian/doxygen/-/commits/bugfix/sramacher/1000932 but ATM the pipeline is failing for unrelated reasons:

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