Source: pgbouncer
Version: 1.17.0-3
Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs

Sun Oct 16 04:26:31 UTC 2022 running test_show ... FAILED
# => show clients;
#  type |   user    | database  | state  | addr | port | local_addr | 
local_port |      connect_time       |      request_time       | wait | wait_us 
| close_needed |      ptr       | link | remote_pid | tls 
#  C    | pgbouncer | pgbouncer | active | unix | 6667 | unix       |       
6667 | 2022-10-16 04:26:31 UTC | 2022-10-16 04:26:31 UTC |    0 |       0 |     
       0 | 0x5555753a27f0 |      |    2977531 | 
# (1 row)
# => show config;
#             key            |                         value                    
      |                        default                         | changeable 
#  admin_users               |                                                  
      |                                                        | yes
#  application_name_add_host | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  auth_file                 | userlist.txt                                     
      |                                                        | yes
#  auth_hba_file             |                                                  
      |                                                        | yes
#  auth_query                | SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow WHERE 
usename=$1 | SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow WHERE usename=$1 | yes
#  auth_type                 | trust                                            
      | md5                                                    | yes
#  auth_user                 |                                                  
      |                                                        | yes
#  autodb_idle_timeout       | 3600                                             
      | 3600                                                   | yes
#  client_idle_timeout       | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  client_login_timeout      | 60                                               
      | 60                                                     | yes
#  client_tls_ca_file        |                                                  
      |                                                        | yes
#  client_tls_cert_file      |                                                  
      |                                                        | yes
#  client_tls_ciphers        | fast                                             
      | fast                                                   | yes
#  client_tls_dheparams      | auto                                             
      | auto                                                   | yes
#  client_tls_ecdhcurve      | auto                                             
      | auto                                                   | yes
#  client_tls_key_file       |                                                  
      |                                                        | yes
#  client_tls_protocols      | secure                                           
      | secure                                                 | yes
#  client_tls_sslmode        | disable                                          
      | disable                                                | yes
#  conffile                  | test.ini                                         
      |                                                        | yes
#  default_pool_size         | 5                                                
      | 20                                                     | yes
#  disable_pqexec            | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | no
#  dns_max_ttl               | 15                                               
      | 15                                                     | yes
#  dns_nxdomain_ttl          | 15                                               
      | 15                                                     | yes
#  dns_zone_check_period     | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  idle_transaction_timeout  | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  ignore_startup_parameters |                                                  
      |                                                        | yes
#  job_name                  | pgbouncer                                        
      | pgbouncer                                              | no
#  listen_addr               |                                        
      |                                                        | no
#  listen_backlog            | 128                                              
      | 128                                                    | no
#  listen_port               | 6667                                             
      | 6432                                                   | no
#  log_connections           | 1                                                
      | 1                                                      | yes
#  log_disconnections        | 1                                                
      | 1                                                      | yes
#  log_pooler_errors         | 1                                                
      | 1                                                      | yes
#  log_stats                 | 1                                                
      | 1                                                      | yes
#  logfile                   | test.log                                         
      |                                                        | yes
#  max_client_conn           | 10                                               
      | 100                                                    | yes
#  max_db_connections        | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  max_packet_size           | 2147483647                                       
      | 2147483647                                             | yes
#  max_user_connections      | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  min_pool_size             | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  pidfile                   |                                         
      |                                                        | no
#  pkt_buf                   | 4096                                             
      | 4096                                                   | no
#  pool_mode                 | statement                                        
      | session                                                | yes
#  query_timeout             | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  query_wait_timeout        | 120                                              
      | 120                                                    | yes
#  reserve_pool_size         | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  reserve_pool_timeout      | 5                                                
      | 5                                                      | yes
#  resolv_conf               |                                                  
      |                                                        | no
#  sbuf_loopcnt              | 5                                                
      | 5                                                      | yes
#  server_check_delay        | 10                                               
      | 30                                                     | yes
#  server_check_query        | select 1                                         
      | select 1                                               | yes
#  server_connect_timeout    | 15                                               
      | 15                                                     | yes
#  server_fast_close         | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  server_idle_timeout       | 60                                               
      | 600                                                    | yes
#  server_lifetime           | 120                                              
      | 3600                                                   | yes
#  server_login_retry        | 15                                               
      | 15                                                     | yes
#  server_reset_query        | DISCARD ALL                                      
      | DISCARD ALL                                            | yes
#  server_reset_query_always | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  server_round_robin        | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  server_tls_ca_file        |                                                  
      |                                                        | yes
#  server_tls_cert_file      |                                                  
      |                                                        | yes
#  server_tls_ciphers        | fast                                             
      | fast                                                   | yes
#  server_tls_key_file       |                                                  
      |                                                        | yes
#  server_tls_protocols      | secure                                           
      | secure                                                 | yes
#  server_tls_sslmode        | disable                                          
      | disable                                                | yes
#  so_reuseport              | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | no
#  stats_period              | 60                                               
      | 60                                                     | yes
#  stats_users               |                                                  
      |                                                        | yes
#  suspend_timeout           | 10                                               
      | 10                                                     | yes
#  syslog                    | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  syslog_facility           | daemon                                           
      | daemon                                                 | yes
#  syslog_ident              | pgbouncer                                        
      | pgbouncer                                              | yes
#  tcp_defer_accept          | 0                                                
      | 1                                                      | yes
#  tcp_keepalive             | 0                                                
      | 1                                                      | yes
#  tcp_keepcnt               | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  tcp_keepidle              | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  tcp_keepintvl             | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  tcp_socket_buffer         | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  tcp_user_timeout          | 0                                                
      | 0                                                      | yes
#  unix_socket_dir           | /tmp                                             
      | /tmp                                                   | no
#  unix_socket_group         |                                                  
      |                                                        | no
#  unix_socket_mode          | 511                                              
      | 0777                                                   | no
#  user                      |                                                  
      |                                                        | no
#  verbose                   | 0                                                
      |                                                        | yes
# (84 rows)
# => show databases;
#    name    |        host         | port | database  | force_user | pool_size 
| min_pool_size | reserve_pool | pool_mode | max_connections | 
current_connections | paused | disabled 
#  authdb    |           | 6666 | p1        |            |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  hostlist1 |,::1       | 6666 | p0        | bouncer    |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  hostlist2 |, | 6666 | p0        | bouncer    |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p0        |           | 6666 | p0        | bouncer    |         2 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p1        |           | 6666 | p1        | bouncer    |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p2        |           | 6666 | p0        |            |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               4 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p3        |           | 6666 | p0        | bouncer    |         5 
|             0 |            0 | session   |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p4        |           | 6666 | p4        | puser1     |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p4l       |           | 6666 | p4        | longpass   |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p4x       |           | 6666 | p4        | puser1     |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p4y       |           | 6666 | p4        | puser1     |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p4z       |           | 6666 | p4        | puser2     |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p5        |           | 6666 | p5        | muser1     |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p5x       |           | 6666 | p5        | muser1     |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p5y       |           | 6666 | p5        | muser1     |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p5z       |           | 6666 | p5        | muser2     |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p6        |           | 6666 | p6        | scramuser1 |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p61       |           | 6666 | p6        | scramuser3 |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p62       |           | 6666 | p6        |            |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p6x       |           | 6666 | p6        | scramuser1 |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p6y       |           | 6666 | p6        | scramuser1 |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p6z       |           | 6666 | p6        | scramuser2 |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p7a       |           | 6666 | p7        |            |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p7b       |           | 6666 | p7        |            |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p7c       |           | 6666 | p7        |            |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  p8        |           | 6666 | p0        |            |         5 
|             0 |            0 |           |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
#  pgbouncer |                     | 6667 | pgbouncer | pgbouncer  |         2 
|             0 |            0 | statement |               0 |                  
 0 |      0 |        0
# (27 rows)
# => show fds;
#  fd |  task  | user | database |   addr    | port | cancel | link | 
client_encoding | std_strings | datestyle | timezone | password | 
scram_client_key | scram_server_key 
#   7 | pooler |      |          | | 6667 |      0 |    0 |           
      |             |           |          |          |                  | 
#   8 | pooler |      |          | unix      | 6667 |      0 |    0 |           
      |             |           |          |          |                  | 
# (2 rows)
# => show help;
# NOTICE:  Console usage
#       SET key = arg
#       RELOAD
#       PAUSE [<db>]
#       RESUME [<db>]
#       DISABLE <db>
#       ENABLE <db>
#       RECONNECT [<db>]
#       KILL <db>
#       SUSPEND
#       SHUTDOWN
# message contents do not agree with length in message type "N"
Sun Oct 16 04:26:32 UTC 2022 running test_server_login_retry ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:26:35 UTC 2022 running test_auth_user ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:26:35 UTC 2022 running test_client_idle_timeout ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:26:39 UTC 2022 running test_server_lifetime ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:26:42 UTC 2022 running test_server_idle_timeout ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:26:45 UTC 2022 running test_query_timeout ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:26:48 UTC 2022 running test_idle_transaction_timeout ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:26:55 UTC 2022 running test_server_connect_timeout_establish ... 
Sun Oct 16 04:27:00 UTC 2022 running test_server_connect_timeout_reject ... 
Sun Oct 16 04:27:00 UTC 2022 running test_server_check_delay ... skipped
Sun Oct 16 04:27:00 UTC 2022 running test_tcp_user_timeout ... skipped
Sun Oct 16 04:27:01 UTC 2022 running test_max_client_conn ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:27:04 UTC 2022 running test_pool_size ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:27:09 UTC 2022 running test_min_pool_size ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:27:11 UTC 2022 running test_reserve_pool_size ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:27:24 UTC 2022 running test_max_db_connections ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:27:26 UTC 2022 running test_max_user_connections ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:27:28 UTC 2022 running test_connect_query ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:27:28 UTC 2022 running test_online_restart ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:27:39 UTC 2022 running test_pause_resume ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:27:50 UTC 2022 running test_suspend_resume ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:00 UTC 2022 running test_enable_disable ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:01 UTC 2022 running test_database_restart ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:07 UTC 2022 running test_database_change ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:10 UTC 2022 running test_reconnect ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:11 UTC 2022 running test_fast_close ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:14 UTC 2022 running test_wait_close ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:18 UTC 2022 running test_password_server ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:18 UTC 2022 running test_password_client ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:18 UTC 2022 running test_md5_server ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:19 UTC 2022 running test_md5_client ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:19 UTC 2022 running test_scram_server ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:19 UTC 2022 running test_scram_client ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:19 UTC 2022 running test_scram_both ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:20 UTC 2022 running test_scram_takeover ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:25 UTC 2022 running test_no_user_trust ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:25 UTC 2022 running test_no_user_trust_forced_user ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:25 UTC 2022 running test_no_user_password ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:25 UTC 2022 running test_no_user_password_forced_user ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:26 UTC 2022 running test_no_user_md5 ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:26 UTC 2022 running test_no_user_md5_forced_user ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:26 UTC 2022 running test_no_user_scram ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:26 UTC 2022 running test_no_user_scram_forced_user ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:26 UTC 2022 running test_no_user_auth_user ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:26 UTC 2022 running test_auto_database ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:27 UTC 2022 running test_no_database ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:27 UTC 2022 running test_no_database_authfail ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:27 UTC 2022 running test_no_database_auth_user ... ok
Sun Oct 16 04:28:27 UTC 2022 running test_cancel ... FAILED
# Cancel request sent
# ERROR:  canceling statement due to user request
Sun Oct 16 04:28:28 UTC 2022 running test_cancel_wait ... FAILED
# SET server_idle_timeout=2
# Cancel request sent
# ERROR:  canceling statement due to user request
Sun Oct 16 04:28:30 UTC 2022 running test_cancel_pool_size ... FAILED
# SET server_idle_timeout=2
# Cancel request sent
# Cancel request sent
# Cancel request sent
# Cancel request sent
# Cancel request sent
# ERROR:  canceling statement due to user request
# ERROR:  canceling statement due to user request
# ERROR:  canceling statement due to user request
# ERROR:  canceling statement due to user request
# ERROR:  canceling statement due to user request
Sun Oct 16 04:28:32 UTC 2022 running test_host_list ... skipped
Sun Oct 16 04:28:32 UTC 2022 running test_host_list_dummy ... ok
make[2]: *** [Makefile:36: check] Error 1

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