Am Montag, dem 06.02.2023 um 23:40 +0100 schrieb Guillem Jover:
> Hi!
> On Mon, 2023-02-06 at 19:57:02 +0100, Bruno Kleinert wrote:
> > neither revision gets properly loaded by Chromium as of today.
> > 
> > As the freeze approaches, I will remove the Chromium package relation
> > and the symbolic link to the Web Extension
> > /usr/share/chromium/extensions/keepassxc-browser in order "solve" this
> > RC bug.
> That means that users that had this package installed will stop having
> the extension at all, so I'm not sure that's much of a practical
> difference compared to having the extension but it failing to load. :/
> > Unless someone understands what is wrong for Chromium to load the
> > extension and provides a patch.
> Ok, I looked into this, and the problem seems to be the browser
> variable polyfill, which is not required on Firefox, as that uses
> browser, but crhomium-based ones use chrome for the namespace.
> Copying the keepassxc-browser/common/browser-polyfill.min.js from
> the upstream's release/1.8.x branch into
> /usr/share/webext/keepassxc-browser/common/browser-polyfill.js, makes
> the extension work again.
> It appears as if the Build-Depends used is unrelated to that code,
> where a comment at the bottom of the minimized version points at
> version 0.8.0 from,
> but the package is trying to use node-cross-fetch, which seems
> unrelated?
> Thanks,
> Guillem

Hi Guillem,

many, many thanks for that pointer!

I built a fixed package locally and Chromium loads the extension. I
will upload to sid in a few minutes.

Kind regards,

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