Dear maintainer(s),

I saw the autoremoval notice for 11th July on the Debian Package
Tracker. Hope this is the right place to respond.

I use `at` regularly and would be sad to see it being removed from the
Debian repositories. Unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce
this issue locally via `autopkgtest` via `qemu`, because `autopkgtest`
fails to start with ARM64 architecture. For my native architecture, it
passes. I receive the following output:

    $ autopkgtest-build-qemu stable stable --architecture arm64
    $ autopkgtest -B . -- qemu stable --qemu-architecture arm
    autopkgtest [18:53:51]: starting date and time: 2023-07-05 18:53:51+0200
    autopkgtest [18:53:51]: version 5.28
    autopkgtest [18:53:51]: host box; command line: /usr/bin/autopkgtest -B . 
-- qemu stable --qemu-architecture arm
    qemu-system-arm: terminating on signal 15 from pid 115560 (/usr/bin/python3)
    <VirtSubproc>: failure: timed out waiting for 'login prompt on serial 
    autopkgtest [18:54:52]: ERROR: testbed failure: unexpected eof from the 

Is there another way to reproduce this issue? I would be happy for any
pointers as I'd like to help keep `at` in the Debian repositories.

Thank you
Johannes Christ

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