On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 10:30:20AM +0100, Alberto Bertogli wrote:
On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 12:00:00AM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
I can't offer ssh access either (for now), but I've checked and
this error may be reproduced easily on an arm64 machine using an
armel chroot.

Oohhh this is good to know, I didn't know that was a viable option. Thank you for the suggestion!

I will try to reproduce it this way, I'll let you know how it goes.

I managed to reproduce this the way you suggested, on a Hetzner VM and an armel chroot.

The problem seems to be that some of the functions that have 64-bit variants (e.g. pread64, pwrite64) have an assembler name declared for the regular variant in the header; while other platforms don't do that and have the two functions declared separately.


For example, this is the declaration of pread and pwrite in a post-preprocessed file, diff between x86_64 (without the bug, '-') and armel (with the bug, '+'):

@@ -1068,18 +1111,14 @@
extern ssize_t write (int __fd, const void *__buf, size_t __n)
     __attribute__ ((__access__ (__read_only__, 2, 3)));
-# 389 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
-extern ssize_t pread (int __fd, void *__buf, size_t __nbytes,
-        __off_t __offset)
-    __attribute__ ((__access__ (__write_only__, 2, 3)));
+# 404 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
+extern ssize_t pread (int __fd, void *__buf, size_t __nbytes, __off64_t __offset) __asm__ 
("" "pread64")
+ __attribute__ ((__access__ (__write_only__, 2, 3)));
+extern ssize_t pwrite (int __fd, const void *__buf, size_t __nbytes, __off64_t __offset) __asm__ 
("" "pwrite64")
-extern ssize_t pwrite (int __fd, const void *__buf, size_t __n,
-         __off_t __offset)
     __attribute__ ((__access__ (__read_only__, 2, 3)));
 # 422 "/usr/include/unistd.h" 3 4
 extern ssize_t pread64 (int __fd, void *__buf, size_t __nbytes,

That's why it's the assembler (and not linking) stage that's complaining, because that means both functions end up named as the 64-bit variant. This can be seen in the assembly file. Continuing to use pread/pread64 as an example, there is no definition for pread(), only pread64() twice: once for pread and one for pread64.

It's tricky to support this in a generic way, because it's difficult to detect this is even happening, as the assembler name operates at a compiler level so we can't just undo it.

I'll keep trying to find a viable workaround for this.


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