Bastian Germann dixit:

>> Do you have a link?
> No. It is not a public address.

Ah, yes, that is unfortunate. I used to be subscribed and have no
idea why I’m not, but I re-subscribed (though have not yet seen any
traffic in the last couple of days).

>> What did upstream say?
> No upstream response up to now.


I just asked in #d-ftp whether we can get an official statement
on whether “we received this as part of dietlibc (a product or
program developed by user” (i.e. Fefe) under GPL will suffice
(which I personally consider true).

If they say yes, I’ll fix that the block is missing from d/copyright
and have a look at #1069365 (unless Christian prefers to).

If they say no, we’ll have to inform reverse dependencies of this,
ask upstream again with some more urgency, and prepare for removal
of this meanwhile (I don’t think we can just swap out such much code
in the packaging)… or possibly excise the sunrpc code and hope this
doesn’t break any users.

Until then… no idea. Wait and drink tea, or something?

18:47⎜<mirabilos:#!/bin/mksh> well channels… you see, I see everything in the
same window anyway      18:48⎜<xpt:#!/bin/mksh> i know, you have some kind of
telnet with automatic pong         18:48⎜<mirabilos:#!/bin/mksh> haha, yes :D
18:49⎜<mirabilos:#!/bin/mksh> though that's more tinyirc – sirc is more comfy

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