Hello everybody,

release is coming soon ... and we need a bit of feedback about
a new feature we plan to use on CD1 of Debian woody for i386.

This feature is the possibility to select a flavor to boot when you boot
from CD1 (instead of booting from a different CD for each flavor).

We have made a test image (thanks go to Chris Lawrence) :

Please grab it, burn it, and try to boot on it (you can also install
Debian with it if you want :-)). 

The same iso image is available from those sites :

Note that this ISO is small enough to burn to a 5cm (3 inch) CD-R/RW,
and contains enough packages to install a functional version of Debian.

You can select the flavor to boot by typing one of the flavor name on
the "boot:" prompt :
idepci or linux (default)
compact (with full scsi support)
bf24 (installs with kernel 2.4 for machines with very recent hardware)
vanilla (the old default kernel with all modules but the install lacks

You can use F3 to see more information about the available flavors.

If you have troubles booting the CD, please report your problems to
debian-cd@lists.debian.org (reply-to set) and give information about
your computer (cpu, age, bios name & version, ...).

If you have troubles during the installation process, please report your
problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


PS: More info about this image can be found here :
Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com

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