I think there was a copyright problem with "setterm" that caused us to
remove it from the distribution a long time ago. If I recall correctly,
it didn't allow distribution for a fee, which is of course essential to
our CD-ROM redistributors.

Several of the programs in util-linux had ambiguous or pernicious copyright
status at that time.



> Package: miscutils

> I can't find the setterm program (distributed as part of util-linux)
> anywhere in the distribution (the output from "grep setterm Contents"
> is empty, and this program is not on my freshly installed, fairly
> complete Debian system at home).

> It is not currently part of any package, but I think it might be part
> of the "miscutils" package (or some other package - the decision is
> not up to me).  This is the program used to set various terminal
> attributes, including some specific to Linux console, like screen
> blanking timeout. Not an essential package, but a sometimes useful
> one.

> If there a program which is part of the distribution and does the
> same thing but has a different name, please ignore this report (I am
> new to Debian - previously using Slackware for over a year now, but
> it has become too messy and difficult to upgrade, so I installed
> Debian just for fun after I got a new hard drive).

> Marek


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