[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Wirzenius)  wrote on 24.12.00 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Robert van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Ignoring spam has made the internet the spam-ridden place it is right now.
> Spam hasn't been ignored for the past six years, thank you very much.
> It thrives regardless of the large efforts to kill it, because a) it is
> cheap and b) there are enough people who react to the ads by buying. Note
> that point a) means that "enough people" tends to be about one...

There's another wrinkle here that often gets overlooked. Most spam does  
not even *need* to work for spam as such surviving, as long as people keep  
buying spamware. Selling spamware is one of the really successful spam  
variants. Those guys don't care if the people they sell spamware to are  
successful with their spams.

Did you ever wonder (assuming you even noticed) why so much spam gets sent  
to completely invalid addresss (for example, to message ids)? Because  
spamware sellers don't care if the "finely targetted" addresses they sell  
actually work (let alone are targetted in any way).

MfG Kai

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