* Dwayne C . Litzenberger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [001223 22:47]:
> Hello!
> I'm starting work on a new linux package manager.  The idea is to be able to
> replace rpm, dpkg, apt, dselect (backend) with one,written mostly from scratch
> and designed to be as simple (code, not features) and clean as possible.  For
> now, the work will be strictly academic, but if it works out, it may evolve
> into future standard package manager.
> So my question is: What do you wish for in a package manager?


Well, I think a coherit method for managing config files and
configuration of packages.  An easy way to reset a package back to
it's prestine settings.  A tool to show which packages have been
manually configured, configured through a tool, and which one.

Policy management.  Debian currently sidesteps this by stepping as
far away from it as possible, RedHat and TurboLinux force it down
your throat.  A better system, imho, would be to allow it to be
configurable for the PM system.  Example:  Decide that all daemon's
should install 'off' until configured and turned 'on' manually.

Ability to do *ALL* package management with source only (ala BSD)
complete with diffs instead of getting the whole thing again.

The ability to build any version of the binary Package from a
complete source (with history (maybe RCS?)).  Sort of a FAT SOURCE

FAT binaries.

Easy methods to relocate paths.

Control files that are easy to maintain and version and that can be
kept with the source code, upstream, with little or no problem.

The ability for the package builder to go get resources itself off
the net via URIs.

That's about it....oh wait:


"Baldrick, you wouldn't see a subtle plan if it painted itself purple and 
danced naked on top of a harpsichord, singing 'Subtle Plans Are Here Again.'"
                --Edmund Blackadder II

The Doctor What: Not that 'who' guy              http://docwhat.gerf.org/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                   KF6VNC

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